How to Install Chromium Browser on Ubuntu?

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Previously, I have shown how you can install Google Chrome on Ubuntu easily. This time, I will show you how to install Chromium Browser on Ubuntu using various methods.

The famous browser Google Chrome is derived from an open-source project known as Chromium. Chromium browser provides the source code for chrome, but Google also adds many features into Chrome before releasing it to the public.

There are also other famous web browsers that use the source code of chromium – Microsoft Edge, Opera, Brave, Amazon Silk, Avast secure browser etc. to name a few.

Don’t confuse between Chromium browser with Chromium OS. They both are maintained by the Chromium Project.


  • Ubuntu Installed and Running.
  • Stable internet connection to download Chromium.
  • Sudo Privileges.

How to Install Chromium on Ubuntu?

There are multiple ways to install chromium on Ubuntu. I will show you the following 3 methods.

1. Graphical method.

2. Installing Chromium using APT.

3. Installing Chromium using Snap.

Chromium is not available in Ubuntu’s standard repository (as of Ubuntu 20.04 and above). Even if you installed chromium using the first two methods, it will be installed indirectly through the snap.

(I am installing chromium on Ubuntu 20.04 in this post.)

You can choose any method you prefer. Since, snap is a pre-requisite, let’s first install that.

Installing Snap

Before installing anything, it is recommended to update the software repositories.

sudo apt update

Now, install snap using the following command:

sudo apt install snapd

After install, check the version of snap using:

snap version
Check snap version on Ubuntu
Check snap version on Ubuntu

You should see snap version in the output.

Once snap is installed, you can install chromium browser using any method below.

Install Chromium on Ubuntu Graphically

1. Start the Ubuntu Software Center.

2. Search for Chromium Browser and click on the appropriate result.

Search For Chromium Browser in Ubuntu Software Center
Search For Chromium Browser in Ubuntu Software Center

3. Click on Install.

Click on Install Button to install Chromium
Click on Install Button to install Chromium

4. Wait for the installation to finish. Once completed, you will see the “Remove” button.

5. Start Chromium via the Application menu.

Start Chromium Graphically via the applications menu
Start Chromium Graphically

Install Chromium on Ubuntu using APT

To install Chromium browser using apt run the following command:

sudo apt install chromium-browser

You can now start chromium via applications menu or use the command:

Chromium Browser running on Ubuntu
Chromium Browser running on Ubuntu

Install Chromium on Ubuntu using Snap

To install Chromium browser through snap run:

sudo snap install chromium

Start Chromium browser graphically or using the following command:


Additional Tips on using Chromium on Ubuntu

Here are some additional tips for you to setup chromium browser easily and quickly.

Add Chromium to Favorites in Ubuntu

If you use chromium often, then you can add it to favorites for quick access:

1. Start Chromium.

2. Right click on chromium icon on the app sidebar.

Add chromium  to Favorites
Click on Add to Favorites

3. Click Add to Favorites option.

Import Bookmarks and other Settings.

You can sign in to your Google Account from chromium and import all your bookmarks, settings, history, plugins and extensions. This will help you to set up Chromium quickly on Ubuntu.

Reset Chromium on Ubuntu

Note: Resetting chromium will remove all bookmarks, settings, extensions and your browsing history.

If you want to reset the chromium, you can do so without re-installing.

Just delete the chromium config directory using the command:

rm -rvf ~/snap/chromium/ 

If you feel unsafe while deleting the directory, then rename the directory using the mv command:

mv  ~/snap/chromium/   ~/snap/chromium.bak

The above command will move (rename) the “chromium” directory to another directory named “chromium.bak” in the same location. This will reset the chromium and you’ll also have a backup of your old chromium data.

Updating Chromium on Ubuntu

Chromium will be automatically updated with the Ubuntu software updates. Snap also refreshes itself once a day.

Still, if you want to update it manually, you can use the following command:

sudo apt update chromium-browser


sudo snap refresh chromium

Uninstall Chromium from Ubuntu

You can uninstall Chromium browser graphically through the Ubuntu Software center or using the below commands:

To uninstall chromium using apt run the following command:

sudo apt remove chromium-browser

To uninstall chromium using snap run the following command:

sudo snap remove chromium

Wrapping Up!

Now, you know how to install Chromium browser on your Ubuntu system in various ways. Also, I gave you some additional tips for a better chromium experience.

Now, tell me, which web browser do you think is the best and Why?

I look forward to see your answer in the comments.

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Rahul R Nair

Rahul is obsessed with technology and electronic devices. He is also the founder of TechSphinx. Being a technophile, he is always busy doing some techy stuff or learning about the latest technologies. When not busy with his usual routine (staring at the computer screen) he likes to write and share his knowledge with the world.
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